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1. Shechiv Mera writing or saying 2. הקדיש כל נכסיו ועמד

1. Chaim asked:

Lamdaini Rabaini,

I don't understand. is there a difference between Writing and Saying "kol nichosai"?

where if he writes it the we suspect that he has more, but if he says it then we're not?

Thanx and Gut shabbos

Chaim, Brooklyn N.Y.

2. The Kollel replies:

No, there is no difference.

The Gemara explains that when a Shechiv Mera individually wrote (or gave away orally) each one of his known properties to others, we still suspect that he may have some other property hidden for himself, and the gifts are only "Matnas Shechiv Mera b'Miktzas" (which is not binding without a Kinyan) . However, if the Shechiv Mera wrote (or said) "Kol Nichsai" when distributing his property, it is clear that he is giving away everything he has, known or unknown.

D. Zupnik

3. Chaim asks:

I apologize. I didn't explain mysels fully. 148B - Rav Acha bar Minyumi in the name of Rav Nachman says; a Shchiv Maira who wrote "kol nichosov; all his assets", cannot retract because we suspect he has other assets.

Now it says "all assets"?

Chaim, Brooklyn N.Y.

4. The Kollel replies:

You explained yourself just fine. The words "Kol Nechasav" are not a quote. They are a

description, meaning he distributed all of his Nechasim. Only if he wrote the words "Kol Nechasav" can we be sure that he does not have any hidden property.

D. Zupnik