two questions on todays daf
1. are pearls kosher - if not why does the gemara say that the groom would drink a pearl dissolved in a hot drink?
2. in berachos it said a man and a women can not go into a ruin together- how does that work with the case of the lady who couldn't smell.
thank you
jonathan levene, philadelphia usa
Question 1: Unlike an egg, which is an intrinsic part of the chicken, a pearl is not an intinsic part of the oyster, just like honey is not an intrinsic part of the bee, and is therefore Kosher.
Question 2: What the Gemara says in Berachos says is that a man may not enter a ruin because of 'Chashad', meaning that people may suspect him of having a prostitute waiting for him there. The Mishnah Berurah (Siman 90, SK 13) rules that this does not apply if he goes in accompanied by his wife. Consequently, according to the Rashbam, who maintains that the woman in the Gemara was in fact his wife, your question is automativally answered.
It remains intact however, according to Tosfos, who maintains that the woman was his betrothed - though it seems to me that this is not then a question of 'Chashad', but rather one of 'Yichud' (being secluded with a woman to whom one is forbidden). Now Tosfos points out that the ruin must have been his, in which case, had he not been out to test her, she would have been married, and he would have inherited her, because taking one's betrothed into one's private domain constitutes marriage. In that case, there must have been two witnesses present. Consequently, your question is answered according to Tosfos too, since it is obvious that, where there are witnesses, there is no problem of Yichud.
be'Virchas Kol Tuv,
Eliezer Chrysler