The Gemara tells that Rava became weak after he allowed a person to wash the baby on the third day after the Milah. He judged that it was a punishment for offering his own interpretation of the Rabanan in the Mishnah, against that of Rebbi Yehudah and Rabah bar Avuha.
Why was he punished? In any case, the Halachah follows the lenient ruling of Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah, who certainly allows washing the baby on the third day, and we do not rule like the Rabanan altogether!
Q. Reese, Atlanta, Georgia
From the Gemara we see that Rav Elazar ben Azarya's opinion was accepted as Halacha in Bavel only after Rav Dimi came (apparently from Eretz Yisrael). He quoted Rav Elazar the Amora who lived much earlier than Rava. Before then it was proper to act like the Tana Kama.
Of course, a qualified Rav can definitely make his own Halachic decision and the Gemara doesn't say that Hash-m punished Rava for Chilul Shabbos. However, Rava had second doubts about what he did, i.e. allowing washing as usual on the first day, since the elders had already forbidden it.
All the best
Reuven Weiner