Halachah 9
"A gentile who studies Torah ( other than the Seven Mitzvot ) is liable to the death penalty. Deuteronomy 33:4 states: "The Torah which Moses commanded us is the heritage of the Children of Israel." " It is our heritage and not theirs."
from: Hilchot Melachim U'Milchamoteihem ( page 211 )
I agree with this. G-D's bread is to be given to the Children of Israel and not to dogs, but even the dogs are to benefit from the crumbs of your table. The ( Light of the Torah ) should be shared with the gentiles.
Mike Murphy
The Rambam (Teshuvah #364 in Frieman edition of Teshuvos ha'Rambam) writes that the prohibition of teaching a non-Jew is not because the non-Jew may not learn Torah. (Apparently, it is alright for him to learn as long as he is being taught by a Jew and not "grabbing" our Torah for himself). Rather, it is because he will torment us if he finds the Torah not to his liking. Based on this, he writes that it is permitted to teach Catholics the Torah (since they accept that our Torah is Divine and will not find fault in it) but it is prohibited to teach Muslims Torah (since they do not believe that our Torah is Divine, and they will torment us if they find fault in it).
M. Kornfeld