More Discussions for this daf
1. A found foot 2. Survival under water 3. So what? He survived
4. לא שנו אלא נתכוין להעיד 5. הירדן מים שאין להם סוף

Shira asked:

In discussion of whether or not a man could survive three days in a water cistern, the gemara argues over points of not having food and being unable to sleep. How is it assumed he can breath for these three days? For if he was bale to keep his head out of water surely he could alert people. And the disucssion of R Meir's that he slept on arches certainly omits the possibility he had found some sort of cave. Thank you

Shira, NYC, USA

The Kollel replies:

He might have found an underwater cave with an air pocket. "Kipei" are slippery rocks in the cave, not necessarily arches.

Be well,

Kollel Iyun Hadaf