The Gemara in this Perek discusses actions permitted and not permitted during a Shabbos fire. The Rama in Siman 334 states that in our times these laws do not apply (in most cases) due to the fact that we live amongst Gentiles and there is a Chashahs of Sakanas Nefashos. Since we allow you today to extinguish the fire there is no reason not to save as much food and clothing etc.
Earlier in the Siman (Seif 2) the Mechaber states that there are those who permit moving of money on Shabbos to save it from the fire. The Mishna Berura explains that the reason is because if we do not permit this he will come to extinguish the fire.
My question is according to the Rama that today it is permitted to extinguish a fire, is it permitted to save the money? It seems it should not be allowed.
Moshe Fessel
First, let me point out that the Heter of the Mechaber to remove Muktzah from the house only applies to a house next to the fire but not to the house on fire (M.B. #5). As you correctly pointed out, the Sevara is that if you do not permit him to save his money his will come to transgress a more serious Issur. However, in the case of the house on fire all the restrictions apply because Adam bahul Al Memono and he might extinguish. (It is important to note that the same Sevara of Bahul Al Mamono in the case of the next door house acts as a Heter and in the house on fire as a reason to forbid removing things.)
As to your question, the Mishnah Berurah (#4), quoting the Nezer Yisrael, writes that since the Rema permits extinguishing the fire because of Pikuach Nefesh, we are no longer concerned that he might come to extinguish and therefore the Ba'al ha'Bayis, like his neighbors, can save anything including Muktzah. The Mishnah Berurah rejects this idea because there is a further concern that permitting unrestricted saving of property could result in other Issurim, like Hotza'ah. However, the Mishnah Berurah concludes that one should not object to those who are lenient and rely on this Heter. See also Rabbi Akiva Eiger at the end of this Siman who quotes from the Elyah Raba that b'Zeman ha'Zeh, according to the ruling of the Rema everything can be saved including Muktzah.
The Aruch Hashulchan at the end of Siman 334 #43-45 explains at length the need to extinguish fires because of Piku'ach Nefesh. Yet in #22 he writes that he rules like the opinion that permits the saving of money even from the house on fire.
Thanks for an interesting question!
Ilan Segal