More Discussions for this daf
1. Chalukas Eretz Yisrael 2. How the land of Israel was Divided? 3. Age Of Bnei Yisroel At Census
4. Mother inheriting from a son

1. Aaron Gal asked:

Reading Baba Batra 117A, and also the explaination of the Rashbam , it is not clear to me what the difference is between the two Tanaim, Rabbi Yoshya and Rabbi Yonatan. It looks like no matter if dividing the land was based on the parents who left egypt, or based on the childern that entered the country of Israel, either way dividing of the land will be equal between the fathers who left egypt, so if one father (Reuven) has 10 children and the other one (Shimon) has one child, the land of Shimon's child will be about 10 times bigger than the land of each of Reuven's children. If this is the case, then what ois the difference between the opinions of the two Tanaim?

Aaron Gal, Fair Lawn, New Jersey USA

2. The Kollel replies:

Dear Aaron,

Rashbam explains using the following case:

At the time of leaving Mitzrayim, there were 2 brothers, Reuven and Shimon, and at entering Israel there were 11 inheritors, 10 sons of Reuven and one son of Shimon.

According to R' Yoshiya, Reuven and Shimon each receive one portion. Afterwards, Reuven's one portion is divided between his 10 sons and Shimon's one portion is given to his one son.

According to R' Yonasan, 10 portions are first given to Reuven's sons and one portion to Shimon's son. Then the 11 portions are "inherited" by the two fathers. The 11 portions of the fathers are split equally 5 1/2 - 5 1/2. Reuven's 10 sons split his 5 1/2 portions into 10 sections. Shimon's son receives his father's 5 1/2 portions. (Later Rashbam quotes a Tosefta with 9 sons and one son, using the same explanation.)

All the best,

Reuven Weiner

3. Aaron Gal responded:

Thank you, Harav

So, either way, (R Yonatan or R Yoshia) each son of Reuven will get 1/10 of what the son of Shimon gets. Then I dont understand the difference.

For example, in one case the son of Shimon will get one Dunam (or 1 Acre), and the other case he will get 5.5 x (1 Dunam / 5.5)

which is also equal to One Dunam.

This was my question.



4. The Kollel replies:

Dear Aaron,

You asked Tosfos' question (DH u'Machzirin, the last narrow line). Tosfos answers that there is no difference in the Rashbam's case. However, this is true only if the fathers are brothers - only then are the fathers' portions mixed. But if they are not brothers the portions of the fathers remain separate. One side will have 9 portions and one side - one.

(Rabeinu Tam learns that the fathers' portions always mix. And some learn that the fathers' portions mix if they are from the same tribe).

Rabeinu Tam mentions another difference involving men under 20 years old. If for instance those entering Israel are under 20 but the fathers leaving Mitzrayim were above 20, they will receive if we go after the leavers of Egypt but they won't if we go after the enterers of Israel. And vice versa - if when leaving Mitzrayim the fathers were under 20 and entering Israel the sons are above 20.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner