In Berachos 12b, there is a baraisa that debates if the exodus will be mentioned in the Messianic era. One opinion says it will not, the other opinion says that it will not be primary but secondary behind the redemption from galus?
Could this imply that the Kiddush could change? Could the language of the Kiddush, which now makes the redemption from Egypt primary, be changed to the redemption from foreign kings?
Similarly, in Shabbos 116a, RSBG writes that the yehee bentzoa haaron verses, which are separated by upside down nuns, are out of place and are destined to be uprooted and put in their proper place. R' Bachya says this will occur in the Messianic Era. Thus, when the Messiah comes, could it be that these Torah verses will be switched around?
Both concepts appear wildly improbable and I welcome further insight into these issues.
Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA
Whether or not the text of the Kidush will change after the redemption will depend on Mashi'ach and his Beis Din, which will have the authority to make such changes.
Personally, I don't think that it will, for the following reason. If, as we say in Kidush, Shabbos was instituted to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt (because of the slavery, where we were forced to perform all the thirty-nine Melachos), then how can the Exodus from our current Galus, irrespective of how great it will be, change that? And who says that the miracles that will occur then will affect the Shabbos in any way?
As for your second question, I'm not sure what you are asking. You cite R. Bachye, who says that according to R. Shimon ben Gamliel, the Parshah of "Vayehi bi'Neso'a ha'Aron" will be moved to its correct location in Parshas Bamidbar in the times of Mashi'ach, and then you ask whether it could be. Certainly, R. Bachye holds that it could - and it will!
You write that both concepts are "wildly improbable". Concerning Kidush, I agree with you, for the reason that I wrote above, but what is your objection to moving the Parshah in question to its rightful place? Maybe you are bothered by the Yerushalmi, which says that the five Books of the Torah will never become Batel. The Maharatz Chiyus asks the Kashya. He answers that changing the location of the Parshah does not clash with the Yerushalmi, since it remains completely intact.
Kol Tuv
Eliezer Chrysler.