More Discussions for this daf
1. Deceased Son's Daughter 2. The Rashbam only gives 1 of the reasons 3. The Tzeduki
4. ðçìä îîùîùú åäåìëú òã øàåáï 5. ëì äàåîø úéøù áú òí áú äáï
1. Daniel Sheinfil asks:

Bkvod Harav

In the sugya with the tzduki, what is the proof from the pasuk in Bereishis 36:24, as the tzduki was talking about a case of sister vs daughter and the pasuk is only referring to brother/son and the tzduki agreed by males?


2. The Kollel replies:

Shalom Rav,

The Tzeduki based his argument on the fact that a grandchild does not inherit directly from his grandfather, whereas a daughter does.

Rebbi Yochanan ben Zakai proved to him that in fact a grandchild inherits directly from his grandfather from the fact that Anah, who was the son of Tziv'on and the grandson of Se'ir, inherited the property of Se'ir together with his father's brothers, in which case the same would apply to a granddaughter (the daughter of his son) who would therefore have priority over his grandfather's daughter, just like his son does.

B'Virkas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler