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harold glass asked:

I am trying to find - but have been unable to do so - pages 115, 116 of Mesecht Shabbos on the internet to answer a question which came up in last week's Torah portion - the section of Torah bracketed by the letter nun. Can you forward the pages / daf to me? Thank you so much for your time. Harold Glass

harold glass, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada:

The Kollel replies:

Click on the Daf that you need at

If you do not read Hebrew and Aramaic, and you need the Daf in English, we do not have a straight translation of the Daf. However, you will find a comprehensive summary of all of the points on the Daf in our Daf-Review section. Go to

Below are our Daf-Insights that discuss the topic.

I hope this information was helpful.



Jerusalem, Israel

From Insights to the Daf, Shabbos 116a: