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1. Kidushei Cheresh 2. The Din of a Katan 3. Aba Shaul

N Friedman asks:

On Yevamos 114a, the breisah brings Abba Shaul's statement that "we were noheg to allow nursing directly from a kosher animal on Yom Tov".

From the gemara's subsequent explanation that the said person is only painfully thirsty (but not pikuach nefesh) only on Yom Tov where there is no Issur Skilah did we allow this (as opposed to Shabbos).

This would imply that we are discussing a Gadol (as opposed to a Katan) who will be doing this for two reasons: 1) In regards to a Katan the gemara just finished saying Stam Katan Mesukan Eitzel Chalav. And even if you say in our case the Katan just finnished his regular feed and he certainly isn't in Sakanah, still there would not be Isurei d'Rabanan of k'l'Achar Yad Shel Shabbos on him. SO we must be talking about a Gadol (as is Mashma as well from Tosfos DH Shabbos).

I took a look at the Artscroll, and they repeat many times that Abba Shaul is referring to a Katan.

Please explain where I went wrong (if I did)?

N Friedman, Israel

The Kollel replies:

Nossi, you are right. Aba Shaul is discussing a Gadol. One sees this from Tosfos (DH Shabbos) who asks from Kesuvos 60a about the person with heartache who is allowed to suckle milk on Shabbos. That person is adult, and Tosfos compares him to the person nursing in our Gemara, so we see that a Gadol is being discussed.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom