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1. Aseh Docheh Lo Ta'aseh 2. Noach and Siyum
1. hg asks:

What does this relate to the masechta and the discussion at hand? Was not Hash-m upset with those people in the world then? What does it have to do with Sanhedrin?

hg, Monroe CT USA

2. The Kollel replies:

Shalom Rav,

The last Mishnah speaks about Hash-m's anger with the Resha'im as long as they are alive, and explains how it dies down when they die. The Beraisa at the end of the Masechta follows suite, adding the reverse with regard to the Tzadikim, as it always does; the final source for the latter being the verse in Noach.

B'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler