Shalom Uvracha
My question is: Is the heter of "dibur asur, hirur mutar" on shabbos on daf 113. the same as that of Rabi Yehoshua ben karcha on daf 150. and if so why does the gemarah not say it besheim Rabi Yehoshua ben Korcha?
And is the heter of "hirhur mutar" a heter on the isur of "mimtzoh chafatzecha" or a heter on "vedaber davar, shelo yehei diburcha shel Shabbos kediburcha shel chol"?
This has big nafkah minas in other areas I am looking into but I am struggling with it.
Thank you very much
Dovid Tobias, Johannesburg, South Africa
Dear Reb Dovid,
"Daber Davar" teaches us two things:
1. One's speech on Shabbos should be different than the rest of the week - specifically that one should not speak excessively of non-spiritual mundane matters and he should not say he's going to do things after Shabbos that are forbidden to do on Shabbos. This is the Halachah of Shulchan Aruch 307:1. It is independent of the prohibition of Mimtzo Cheftzechah.
2. Mimtzo Cheftzechah is only forbidden when it is spoken out explicitly, but not if it is only thought about, or even spoken about but not explicitly. This is the Derashah of "Dibur Asur, Hirhur Mutar".
This second Halachah is codified in two places in Shulchan Aruch because it has two aspects. The first aspect is that just thinking about your business affairs is not forbidden. This is what the Gemara is teaching us on Daf 113b. This is codified in Shulchan Aruch 306:8. The second aspect is the Chidush of Rebbi Yehoshua Ben Korchah on Daf 150a that it is even permissible to speak about one's business affairs as long as it is done Derech Remez ("ha'Nir'eh b'Einechah she'Tuchal..."). This is codified in 307:7.
So the reason the Gemara didn't mention Rebbi Yehoshua Ben Korchah on Daf 113b is that the Gemara there is speaking about Hirhur Mamash - thought - which is true even according to the Chachamim who argue with Rebbi Yehoshua Ben Korchah.
Kol Tuv,
Yonasan Sigler
This is not a Psak Halacha