More Discussions for this daf
1. Inheritance from mother 2. A husband inheriting from his wife 3. Daughter's rights
4. ברשב"ם לית דין רוצה למילף

1. mechy and yitzy asked:

what is the kal vchomer to learn that a ben is yoresh his mother? what is the yafa koach habas by the mother? she doesn't necessarily have any greayer rights from her mother than from her father. please include sources.

mechy and yitzy, lakewood, usa

2. The Kollel replies:

Dear mechy and yitzy,

Let's learn the Gemara:

Ma Bas- which is Kal - grade B when compared to Ben concerning Yerushah from her father since she only receives after there is no Ben

Yafeh Kochah b'Nichsei ha'Em- that she has Yerushah rights from her mother (without getting involved with being first or second - but we know the Torah gives her rights and this is a plus by her as opposed to the possibility that inheritance doesn't exist from a mother)

So the Ben which is better than her by the father's property deserves also to have mother-property rights even though we didn't have a source for it until now - we use the Kal vaChomer for the Ben.

This is the translation of the Gemara with Rashi - no other sources are needed.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner