I know there is a Rabeinu Chaim brought in Tosfos that there is no mitzvah to live in Eretz Yisrael today because we cant keep the mitzvot haltiliah ba-aretz. Are there any other rishonim who say befarish tht there is no mitzah to live in Israel (I know there is a megilas ester who says that according to the Rambam, but the migilas ester is not a rishon and the Rmbam never sid that befarish, I am wondering if there are other Rishonim who say it befarish).
There is nobody who says this as explicitly as Rabeinu Chaim. In fact, the Shelah (Sha'ar ha'Osiyos, Os Kuf) says that he is a lone opinion -- and disputes his opinion, stating that indeed the Mitzvos can be performed satisfactorily in Israel.
Rav Chaim Falaji claims that the Behag also holds this opinion, since he does not bring the obligation to go to Israel or the possibility of forcing a spouse to go to Israel, but this is not explicit and others explain that the Behag was concerned for the dangers on the way to the land of Israel, as are many other Rishonim, including the Ritva (Kesuvos ibid.), Rabeinu Shimshon of Shantz (Maharam bar Baruch 3:203), Hagahos Mordechai, Rashbash (#1), and Maharam Mintz (#79), as well as Rav Hai Ga'on (Otzar ha'Ge'onim, Kesuvos). The Maharam Mintz quotes the Tashbetz (this is the Tashbetz Katan, a pupil of the Maharam mi'Rotenburg) who expresses concern that those ascending to Israel will not appreciate the sanctity and will be punished for this, and adds that they might not be able to make a livelihood. This may be a reference to Rabeinu Chaim's view that it is difficult to maintain the sanctity of Eretz Yisrael in our time.
On a personal note, when my father wrote to the Lubavitcher Rebbe telling him that we were making Aliyah, the Rebbe said that going to "the king's chamber" is not a simple thing and urged my father to take on extra Mitzvos and stringencies.
Yoel Domb