when reb yehuda taines im teoreriu im tesoreru zach which rashi says is another 3 shavous....so whats his taina on reb zeira lechira he needs something to do with the other 2 droshas and also after reb zeira answers is he chozer on his psak on leaving bavel? does he hold you dont need all 3 droshas case they overlap mb? or i guess also maybe he only holds of two of those droshas not the 3rd? i was wondering how you learnt it shkoach
yehuda roth, passaic nj
1) The Gemara (Moed Katan 25b, and Rashi there DH Rebbi Zeira) writes that Rebbi Zeira was born in Bavel but grew up in Eretz Yisrael. We see that he was not Chozer on his Psak on leaving Bavel.
2) Rashi does not say that there are another three Shevu'os in To'iru and Te'oreru. Rashi says that each of To'iru and Te'oreru contains two Shevu'os.
B'hatzlachah Rabah,
Dovid Bloom