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1. Avel Drinking Wine 2. Drinking and Counting Beams 3. Zugos With People
4. Having Relations Twice

Max Weiman asks:

Based on the zugos sugya, I would conclude that one is better than two. Why does Shlomo Hamelech say "tovim hashnayim min haechad"?

Max Weiman, St. Louis, MO usa

The Kollel replies:

Dear Max,

Shlomo ha'Melech is referring to people. Two people are better than one. There is no problem of "Zugos," because even when two people are together, they still maintain distinct identities.

Clearly, two witnesses are not something to be avoided, neither is learning with a Chavrusa. Talking with a friend for advice is no problem of Zugos. See Koheles 4:9-12, that a partner brings help physically and also spiritually, to learn, correct one's deeds, and act better.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner