More Discussions for this daf
1. Sabatyon 2. Hash-m swearing in anger 3. When is a child Zocheh to Olam ha'Ba
4. Portion in the World to Come 5. Rebbi Akiva's Chesed 6. Achitofel and David ha'Melech
1. Raffi Bilek asks:

I am baffled. Here is the writeup in the Point by Point Summary for this Daf on


(a)Question: Where do we find that R. Akiva expounds favorably for Yisrael?

(b)Answer (Beraisa - Raban Gamliel): Children of Yisraelim Resha'im do not come to the world to come:

1."V'Chol Oseh Rish'ah... Lo Ya'azov Lahem Shoresh (they will not leave a root in this world, i.e. their children will die) v'Anaf (nor in the world to come)." (Maharsha - Oseh Rish'ah refers to children who (are exempt from Mitzvos, and are not called Resha'im, but they) do evil.)

(c)R. Akiva says, they come to the world to come. It says "Shomer Pesa'im Hash-m" - overseas, 'Pasya' refers to a child;

1.Also, it says "Gudu Ilana v'Chabluhi Beram Ikar Sharshuhi b'Ar'a Shevuku (cut down the tree, but leave its main roots in the ground)."

2."Lo Ya'azov Lahem Shoresh v'Anaf" teaches that Hash-m will not leave the reward for a single Mitzvah, and not even a light Mitzvah for the world to come (they will receive all their reward in this world; Ramah - alternatively, all their Mitzvos will not lighten their punishment).

3.Alternatively - Shoresh refers to the Neshamah, Anaf refers to the body (neither will come to the world to come).

(d)All agree that children of Nochri Resha'im do not come to the world to come - we learn from "V'Te'aved Kol Zecher Lamo."<<

Doesn't (d) contradict (c)??? How can the conclusion be that everyone agress that they don't come to olam haba when the whole point of this braisa is that Rabbi Akiva DOES say they come to olam haba???

Raffi Bilek, USA

2. The Kollel replies:

The entire Sugya before (d) discusses Jews. In (d), we say that regarding Nochrim there is no argument.

Pesach Feldman