Lichvod Kollel Iyun HaDaf:
Shalom u'Vrachah! Here is a possible correction to Beitzah 11, "Background to the Daf":
I checked the Aruch, and then the Artscroll Gemara and Mesivta Gemara, and they all say that an Eli is the PESTLE, i.e. the utensil that does the chopping, and not the board.
Yet, in "Background to the Daf", you write:10
ELI- a thick board upon which spices are chopped with a pestle
The reason why I suggest that this is only a "possible" correction, is because:
(1) Kollel Iyun HaDaf is always very precise and thought-out!
(2) The wording of the Mishnah is actually more Mashma like your way, since it discusses cutting meat on it !
Please enlighten me!
Kol tuv,
Yosef Dovid Rosenberg
Manchester, UK (...formerly of Oswego, NY)
You seem to be right in pointing out this correction, and we will make the appropriate change in the Background.
Although the Eli of the Mishnah is being used to cut upon it meat, its normal use is for mashing/crushing wheat or other grains, as the Bartenura and Me'iri explain. Because it is so heavy one normally does not take it out of the mortar for any purpose, which is why it might be Muktzah.
Thank you!
Mordecai Kornfeld
Kollel Iyun Hadaf