The Gemara says, with regard to naklitin, on amud alef: l'Gabei Kinofos Lo Kevi'i, l'Gabei Kilah Kevi'i
What exactly makes a structure "fixed"? Is it the attachment of the uprights to the bed, or to the ground, or something else? I don't see that the Gemara ever defines this.
Also, on 13A, the Gemara speaks of Eizov being comprised of Kelochios Giv'olin and Sheri'os Gardimos. Do you have pictures or drawings to help me visualize these?
Thank you.
yerachmiel putney, zikhron yaakov, eretz yisrael
It would appear that the answer is "something else." The uprights may be attached to the ground or to the bed (presumably to the bed) but this is not what makes them more fixed but rather the fact that they stay on the bed and are not removed from it. The Taz (Orach Chaim 627:3) explains that the naklitin do not have a roof but remain attached to the bed, the kinofos are attached to the bed and have a roof but the Kilah is made up of movable poles and therefore is not considered fixed.
As for the Ezov, it is not the hyssop but rather the Majorana syriaca known as the Za'ater plant in Israel. The plant has stems and flowers protruding from stalks, this would explain the structure of kelachim (roots-stems) and givolim (stalks) See the commentaries on the Mishna (Parah 11:9) who explain that the gardumim are broken stalks.
For a picture see majorana syriaca pictures online (the plant is very commonly found in Israel)
Yoel Domb