Shavua Tov v'Chanukah Sameach
Bkvod Harav,
In learning Sanhedrin 11, we have an example of an episode in Yehoshua 7:10-11 that HKB"H did not disclose the name of the sinner to prevent embarrassment.
My question is then why in Bereshis 18:13 does HKB"H disclose to Avraham Avinu regarding Sarah:
"Lamah Zeh Tzachakah Sarah Leimor ha'Af Umnam Eileid v'Ani Zankanti."
Moreover, what was the point of HKB"H disclosing the event to Avraham?
What did HKB"H want Avraham to do at that point?
Besuros Tovos
Kol Tuv
Daniel Sheinfil
Shalom Rav,
These are good questions. It is possible that the second question answers the first one. Let me begin
with a third question: If Hash-m asked Avraham why Sarah laughed, how could Sarah deny it? How did she know what Hash-m had told Avraham?
It therefore seems that Hash-m told Avraham, in order that he should rebuke Sarah, which he did. And Sarah's initial response was to deny that she laughed.
Kol Tuv,
Eliezer Chrysler