Rebbi Zeira initially ascribes Beis Shamai who requires a Dinar for Kidushin, to the fact that a woman will not agree to less. Abaye asked him from the daughters of Rebbi Yanai, who were fussy not to accept less than three Kabin of gold coins. Would he say there too, that if one of them did accept one Zuz, the Kidushin would not be effective?
What is Abaye asking, here?
It seems he asks that if she stated her worth at 3 kabin of gold coins that she will no longer be able to get married at a lower value (not even a dinar!)
This is an ela mi ata because she would obviously be betrothed if she accepted less.
Is this correct?
It is correct. Tosfos adds that if we were to say that actually the Yanai family would not be Mekudeshes with less than they were accustomed to, we would be faced with a situation of Nasata Devarecha l'Shiurin -- the Halachah would not be universal, but rather it would have to be adjusted for each individual, which is unacceptable.
D. Zupnik