More Discussions for this daf
1. Misla Talu 2. Mi'un and Nedarim 3. Avoidance of Mi'un is not always applicable

Avrumi Hersh asks:

109 a bottom b top

The gemoro asks how can the mishna reccomend miun if a person is supposed to avoid miun.

The gemoro explains on b top, that we avoid miun because the girl might regret it.

But in our mishna she will never regret it! Because she has to get divorced either way!

Avrumi Hersh, London england

The Kollel replies:

Great question! You were Mechaven to a Kashya of Rebbi Akiva Eiger! He asks a version of your question on 109b.

We may suggest several possible approaches:

a) The Chazon Ish (EH 129:5) says that even if the woman cannot stay married to this man in any case, we still do not convince her to do Mi'un, since it gives an impression that the Beis Din is manipulative and she was forced to leave her husband against her will. In a case of Mitzvah, that Sevara is weighed down.

b) The Aruch la'Ner says that there is another aspect regarding her Charatah. If she leaves her husband through Mi'un, she does not get her Kesubah payments, so in the future, she might regret doing Mi'un and not being devorced by a Get.

c) We can also say that the idea of Richuk from Mi'un is a principle which we do not break for a single odd case.

Kol Tuv,

Aharon Steiner