Someone came to me and said that if you use lets say a bottle of bottled water to wash mayim achronim, then you can no longer drink the leftover water from that bottle. (not the water that you washed with but rather the remaining leftover). I never heard this. Can you enlighten me ? I couldn't find anything on this
Kol Tuv,
There were a number of sages who dismissed such concerns and actually washed Mayim Acharonim from a utensil which contained water used later for drinking purposes. This was the view of the Munkatcher Rebbe, Rav Chaim Elazar Shapira (Darkei Chaim v'Shalom 52). On the other hand, there were some who were careful not to use a bottle used for drinking. This may be due to the Gemara in Horayos (13b) which states that one who drinks leftover water from washing may suffer forgetfulness, and "washing" could include even Mayim Acharonim. The Teshuvos ha'Geonim indeed states that this Gemara refers to washing for meals (and not water used to wash one's body) but it may also include Mayim Acharonim. However, no known Poskim quoted this Halachah regarding Mayim Acharonim.
Yoel Domb