More Discussions for this daf
1. Waiting between meat and milk 2. Rambam on Milk and Meat 3. Hadachah and Kinuach- Halachah Outlines
4. Mayim Acharonim 5. Kishuf 6. Chulin 105a: Waiting between meat and milk
7. Waiting between meat and milk 8. Waiting between milk and meat 9. Insights to the Daf -- Using The Holy Name
10. WASHING 11. Measuring Salt 12. Eating Meat After Eating Cheese
13. מים מאוסים המקלחים... 14. גבינה מקיבת גמל

aaron massry asks:

Why was the gemara only concerned about Rav Yitzchak not washing his hands between cheese and meat and not about cleaning his mouth out with kinuach?

aaron massry, deal,nj

The Kollel replies:

The Ritva indeed quotes some who say that this is proof that one would only need to wash, and not do Kinuach, between cheese and meat. However, he says that according to others it must be that Rav Yitzchak in fact did Kinuach and it was merely not mentioned in the Gemara.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose