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1. Conclusion of tzoraas shoe, makes no sense 2. קיטע מן הארכובה ולמעלה

Avrumi Hersh asks:

103b bottom

The gemoro starts by saying that a person should not be choletz with a minol hamusgar lechatchila, otu a muchlat, which is ossur bedieved.

Then at the maskonas hagemoro we say that both a musgar and a muchlat are mutar bedieved, rashi explains because there's a giluy milsa from the posuk calling it a beged.

So moh nafshoch, why can't you use this muchlat shoe lechatchila, if it's it's beged then why only bedieved, we don't have the reason of kitusey michtas shiuroh.

Also why is a musgar shoe ossur to use lechatchila? The only gezero is otu muchlat like we said in the beginning of the gemoro, but now in the maskona we pasken that even a muchlat shoe is mutar bedieved. So what's the gezero for musgar shoe?

Avrumi Hersh, London england

The Kollel replies:

Musgar and Muchlat are Asur l'Chatchilah because of Tikroves Avodah Zarah which is Asur b'Di'eved (Rashba). The Ritva says they are Ma'us to use for Mitzvos.

Your question could have been asked earlier on Rav Papa (not Rav Papi) who also said both are l'Chatchilah.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner