It is clear that the halacha is that one cannot eat matzah before nightfall erev Pesach. However, does this restriction also apply to the first two cups of wine? Namely, can one start the seder before nightfall and time the eating of matzah for after nightfall?
Thank you for your time.
Dr. Harry Stark, Los Angeles, USA
Dear Dr. Stark
Shalom and thanks for your question. The Shulchan Orouch (472:1) rules against reciting Kiddush before nightfall. The Mishnah Berurah (ibid. 4) offers two explanations.
1) The explanation of the Taz that Kiddush can be recited only at a time when the mitzvah of Matzoh applies.
2) The Trumas Hadeshen explains that since Kiddush is actually the first of the four Kosos it is an integral part of the Seder, thus it has the same requirements as the Haggadah and Matzoh, which cannot be eaten before nightfall.
Kol tuv.
Yehuda Landy