The Gemara says that one of the curses of Chava was that she can't be married to two men at the same time.
I have heard two additional reasons for this. One that if she had two husbands, we wouldn't know who the father is and two, in the name of the Maharal that women have a greater deal of emunah than men and, therefore, don't need more than one spouse. Could you tell me the source of these answers-if they in fact do exist? Additionally,do you know where this Maharal is if it really exists? Thank you.
Yosef Furman, Los Angeles, USA
The logic that one would not know who the proper father is, has its basis in the Gemara (Nedarim 51a, see also Rambam Na'arah Besulah 2:17).
The idea about the Emunah of a woman seems to be based on the words of the Maharal in Nesiv ha'Emunah, end of ch. 1 (and many other places), who discusses the special Emunah of women. However, the Maharal himself offers a different logic to explain why a man may marry two women but a woman may not marry two men in Nesiv ha'Perishus end of ch. 1, see also his Chidushei Agados to Shevuos 18b and to Bava Basra 16a.
Best wishes,
Mordecai Kornfeld