Why is one supposed to get married on a Wednesday? In case he feels she is not a besulah- if he's wrong Motzee Sheim Rah if he's correct and Eidim she gets misah! Regardless
Lo Matza Chen b'Einav Teizei
If one thought she's a besulah and she's not - that is a mekach taus!
Best case for her is there are eidim but her biah was prior to her kiddushin...so she gets 100 instead of 200 zuz.
If the first Mishnah in Kesuvos isn't the closest thing to Simpkon in marriage? Then what is!
Avrahom, United States
Hi again R' Avrahom,
In the Mishna in Kesubos, if the Bi'ah was between the Kidushin and the Nesuin, the Mekach, which is the Kidushin, is no mistake, and the Znus after the Mekach, prohibits the woman to her husband, as Rashi explains there. That is the case and the reason he should go to Beis Din the next morning. If it turns out that the Biah was before the Kidushin, it will be also a Mekach Taus.
Best Regrds,
Aharon Steiner