More Discussions for this daf
1. The date of the equinox which we follow for Halachic matters 2. Adding a day to the year every 100 years 3. Shmuel's Tekufah
4. Tekufas Shmuel, Tal u'Matar 5. Avudraham 6. Learning while Walking
7. Southern Hemisphere 8. Rav in Eretz Yisrael

Aaron Pacanowski asked:

We learnt in the Gemara that in Bavel they would start saying Tal umatar on 7 Cheshvan because that's when they strted to need rain. This should be a proof that in the Southern Hemisphere you should say "V'sen Brachah" and "Tal U'matar" the other way round because here we need rain in Eretz Yisrael's Summer and we don't want rain in Eretz Yisrael's winter?

Aaron Pacanowski

Melbourne, Australia

The Kollel replies:

This is a big topic but I will try to start the ball rolling.

The KAF HA'CHAIM 117:17 writes that the reason people in the southern hemisphere pray for rain at the same time as those in the northern hemisphere is because this is similar to the Gemara below 14b where the inhabitants of Ninveh sent a question to Rebbi. In Ninveh one needs rain all year round, even in the middle of summer. Therefore the question is: are the people in Ninveh considered like "individuals" (Yechidim) or like "Rabim" (a public)? If they are Yechidim (i.e. Ninveh is an unusual place since most places do not need rain in the summer) then they should ask for rain in the "Shomei'a Tefilah" blessing of Shemoneh Esreh, which is the place to insert private requests. However, if they are considered as a public, they would Daven for rain in "Bareich Aleinu". Rebbi answered that they are considered as Yechidim and therefore pray for rain in Shomei'a Tefilah.

On the basis of this, the SHULCHAN ARUCH OC 117:2 writes that "individuals who need rain in the summer do not ask for it in Bareich Aleinu but in Shomei'a Tefilah. Even a big city like Ninveh or an entire country such as the whole of Spain or Germany, are considered as individuals and ask for rain in Shomei'a Tefilah.

One sees from this that one follows the majority of the world. Since the majority of the Jewish people need rain between Cheshvan and Nisan, it follows that Down Under also, when one prays for rain in the northern hemisphere's summer, one does this in Shomei'a Tefilah.

The Kaf ha'Chaim also cites the RAMBAM in HILCHOS TEFILAH 2:16 who writes that it is only in Eretz Yisrael that one starts asking for rain on 7 Cheshvan, while in Shinar (Bavel), Syria, Egypt and neighboring lands one starts praying for rain 60 days after the Tishrei equinox ("Tekufah"). The Kaf ha'Chaim writes that even though it is well-known that Egypt does not require much rain, nevetheless Egypt follows the rest of the world and starts 60 days after the Tekufah. Similarly in Australia they pray for rain during their summer in Bareich Aleinu.

You may be able to help us by telling us whether or not rain in Australia between Cheshvan and Nisan can actually be damaging, because this could change the Halachah - see Rambam's commentary to the MISHNAH 10a end of DH BE'SHELOSHAH.

The MISHNAH in TA'ANIS 10a states that according to the Tana Kama one starts asking for rain on the 3rd of Marcheshvan and according to Raban Gamliel one starts on the 7th of Marcheshvan. The Rambam, in his Commentary to the Mishnah DH BE'SHELOSHAH, writes that all the Mishnayos refer to Eretz Yisrael and lands with a similar climate. Similarly all the Halachos about the dates of the fast-days proclaimed because of drought, only apply to Eretz Yisrael. However in other lands one starts asking for rain whenever it is good for that particular place. Rambam writes that in some countries the rains only start in Nisan. Some countries have their summer in Marcheshvan and rain is not good then but can actually kill and damage. How could people living in such a place ask for rain in Marcheshvan, asks Rambam, as this would be false and foolish?

It might appear from the above that in Australia one would start asking for rain in Nisan. However Rambam in the MISHNEH TORAH HILCHOS Tefilah 2:17 writes as follows:

"Places which need rain in the summer, for instance the far-off islands of the sea, ask for rain when they need it in Shomei'a Tefilah."

This statement would suggest that the far-off islands only ask for rain in their winter in Shomei'a Tefilah but in Bareich Aleinu they say like everyone else i.e. they would ask for rain in Eretz Yisrael's winter in Bareich Aleinu. This would seem to contradict what the Rambam wrote in his Commentary to the Mishnah.

This contradiction is pointed out by TESHUVAS HA'ROSH 4:10 (near the end). The Rosh resolves the contradiction by distinguishing between an entire land and between isolated islands. The source for what the Rambam wrote in Mishneh Torah is the Gemara (14b) about Ninveh that we saw. Ninveh was an isolated city and therefore was given a Din of "Yechidim". In contrast, Rosh reasons, an entire country has a Din of "Rabim" and therefore asks for rain in Bareich Aleinu. In the commentary to the Mishnah, the Rambam is referring to an entire country.

According to the Rosh it would seem that since Australia is an entire country, they should ask for rain in their winter in Boreich Aleinu . The Halachah does not follow the Rosh on this but we will have to see why, BS'D, in future replies.

Wishing everyone a healthy winter!

D. Bloom

The Kollel adds:

1) Last time we saw a statement from RAMBAM which suggests that Australia should pray for rain in their summer but now we will see other things that Rambam wrote which might suggest differently.

MISHNAH TA'ANIS 10a states that according to Tana Kama one starts asking for rain on 3rd Marcheshvan and according to Rabban Gamliel one starts on 7th Marcheshvan. Rambam , in his Commentary to Mishnah DH BE-SHLOSHAH, writes that all the Mishnayos refer to Eretz Yisroel and lands with a similar climate. Similarly all the Halachos about the dates of the fast-days proclaimed because of drought, only apply to Eretz Yisroel. However in other lands one starts asking for rain whenever it is good for that particular place. Rambam writes that in some countries the rains only start in Nissan. Some countries have their summer in Marcheshvan and rain is not good then but can actually kill and damage. How could people living in such a place ask for rain in Marchashvan, asks Rambam, this would be false and foolish?

It might appear from the above that in Australia one would start asking for rain in Nisan. However Rambam in MISHNEH TORAH HILCHOS Tefilah 2:17 writes as follows:

" Places which need rain in the summer , for instance the far-off islands of the sea, ask for rain when they need it in Shomaya Tefilah."

This statement would suggest that the far-off islands only ask for rain in their winter in Shomaya Tefilah but in Boreich Aleinu they say like everyone else i.e. they would ask for rain in Eretz Yisroel's winter in Boreich Aleinu. This would seem to contradict what Rambam wrote in his Commentary to the Mishnah.

This contradiction is pointed out by TESHUVAS Ha-ROSH 4:10 (near the end). Rosh resolves the contradiction by distinguishing between an entire land and between isolated islands. The source for what Rambam wrote in Mishneh Torah is Gemara 14b about Ninveh that we saw in our first reply. Ninveh was an isolated city and therefore was given a Din of "Yechidim". In contrast, Rosh reasons, an entire country has a Din of "Rabim" and therefore asks for rain in Boreich Aleinu .In the commentary to Mishnah Rambam is referring to an entire country.

According to Rosh it would seem that since Australia is an entire country, they should ask for rain in their winter in Boreich Aleinu . The Halachah does not follow Rosh on this but we will have to see why, BS'D, in future replies.

2) We will now look at KESEF MISHNEH HILCHOS TEFILAH 2:17, written by the author of Shulchan Arukh, who disagrees with TESHUVOS ROSH. As we saw last time, Rosh maintains (in order to resolve the contradiction between Rambam in his Commentary to Mishnah and Rambam in Mishneh Torah) that an entire country asks for rain according to local needs, whilst an isolated city like Ninveh, or isolated islands, ask for rain at the same time as Eretz Yisrael).

Kesef Mishneh DH VE-ANI writes that this distinction of Rosh does not appear to him to be correct because why should there be a difference between the islands of the sea and an entire country? Instead K.M. writes that the difference between Mishneh Torah and between Commentary to Mishnah is that the Commentary states that countries with different climates to Eretz Yisrael's, ask for rain at different times but does not specify in which Berachah. Mishneh Torah ,in contrast, specifies in exactly which Berachah of Shemoneh Esreh one asks for rain in the islands - this is in Shomaya Tefilah, not in Boreich Aleinu.

K.M. writes that the reason Rambam refers to the ocean islands is not to say that they are less important than an entire land as Rosh argued, but rather to explain how it could be that there are places which need rain in the summer. Therefore Rambam wrote that such a phenomenon is actually possible, for instance in the distant sea islands.

We can now understand SHULCHAN ARUKH 117:2(mentioned in our first reply) who writes that individuals who need rain in the summer, even a great city like Ninveh, or an entire country like Spain or Germany, ask for rain in Shomaya Tefilah not in Boreich Aleinu. According to this one can understand why in Australia one says Ve-Sen Tal Umotor in Boreich Aleinu even in the Australian summer , because the whole world follows Eretz Yisrael .

We have seen most of the sources now from the Gemara and Rishonim that in Australia one asks for rain in the summer.


D. Bloom

The Kollel adds:


Even though the purpose of our Kollel is clearly not to deal with practical Halachic decisions, nevertheless since we have seen in previous replies the sources for the Halachah about davening for rain in the Shemoneh Esreh in Australia, we will briefly outline the conclusions of the contemporary Poskim.

Last time we cited the opinion of Kesef Mishneh and we note that the same author summarized his opinion in SHULCHAN ARUKH OC 117:2. There he wrote that even if an entire country requires rain in the summer, nevertheless they do not pray for rain in Boreich Aleinu, only in Shomaya Tefilah.

ISHEI YISROEL (by R. Avraham Yeshaya Feifer of Jerusalem) 23:42 and notes 162-4, pp. 239-40 summarizes the opinions of the later authorities.

(1) Countries in the southern hemisphere ask for rain in the Eretz Yisroel winter (from 4 December in a secular non-leap year, and from 5 December in a secular leap year) in Boreich Aleinu.

(2) These countries may say Ve-sen TalU-matar in their winter in Shomaya Tefilah

(3) If rain between Nisan and Tishrei is damaging for them, they should say Ve-sen Brocho all your round. At the time when they need rain they ask for this in Shomaya Tefilah. קק)

(See TESHUVAS BE-TZEIL Ha-CHOCHMOH 6:85 by Rabbi Bezalel Stern zt'l of Melbourne)


D. Bloom