More Discussions for this daf
1. The order of the four Leshonos Ge'ulah 2. The Ruling 3. Explanation in Tosfos
4. Gezeirah Only By Matzah 5. Author of Piskei Hilchos Pesach 6. The Arba Leshonos Shel Geulah; eating Matzah with an appetite versus eating it while satiated
7. What did Rabbenu Tam eat? 8. Matzah on Erev Pesach 9. Silence is Golden.
10. Rashbam 11. פסח ראשון ופסח שני בתוספות 12. תוד"ה סמוך
13. תוד"ה עד שתחשך

yl asks:

why shouldn't there be such a gezaira to ensure eating the korban pesach itself b'teiavon/hidur mitzva; why does the gemara specify only matza?

yl, jerusalem

The Kollel replies:

See Pesachim 107b Rashbam DH O Dilma that gives 2 answers. First, that there is more appetite for meat more than bread, so Matza-bread is more likely to lose the B'teiavon, and the Gezeira is needed more for Matza.

Second, even if there is no Pesach, there still is the Matza to make for it the Gezeira.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner