More Discussions for this daf
1. "Muchlefes ha'Shitah" 2. Transferring water from one reshus to another 3. Rosho ve'Rubo
4. Ten Tefachim 5. Urinating on Shabbos 6. חוץ לד' אמות אם נפל בידו אתי לידי חיוב חטאת
7. בור ברה''ר וחולייתו גבוה י' טפחים

Moishe Gold asks:

Ten tefachim measure at most about 40 inches yet most men are on average about 70 inches! How can aroof be less than 10 tefachim from the ground and the man reaches to get the water?

Moishe Gold, Toronto. Canada

The Kollel replies:

There are many possible cases, one being if he is sitting down (you can adjust his height and whether or not he is sitting on a low chair anyway you like).

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose