Today's daf was hard because Chazal were trying to understand some basic astronomical items that today we take for granted, but which are NOT intuitive. I presented as POSSIBLE that Rava's perspective - 6000 parsa'ot from east to west (as Rashi clarifies it) is assuming that the earth is round. (6000 parsa'ot = 24,000 mil. One interpretation of a mil is for all intents and purposes a kilometer. And planet earth is 40,000 kilometers wide, which would make Rava's calculation of ~48,000 kilometers pretty remarkable considering that they didn't have the complex measurement instruments that we have today). Then some of the questions against Rava sounded like they were assuming the earth is flat...the same star can be seen at the same angle from the entirety of the landmass, so considering waters at the edge of Eurasia, the planet must be much more than 6,000 parsa'ot...the sun reaches the top of the sky at the same time across the planet - these 2 questions in particular lead me to believe that the questions were arguing that the earth is flat.
If I got it right - I don't have a problem with that debate. The Chachamim of the world as referenced on the daf, like Chazal, were engaged in the same debate.
But if I got it wrong, then I fear I may be guilty of a zilzul of Chazal.
Do you think my interpretation is perhaps on the mark or way, way off?
Thank you.
Avram Goldstein, Israel