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Avrumi Hersh asks:

91b middle rashi

Rashi d"h tezte, says that the only acc to reb akiva are we machmir that a yevomoh leshuk should have the same chumros as a regular aguna who sins. But not acc to the chachomim.

But acc to what raboh said in daf 82a there is no difference between a lav and a kores, so even the chachomim should agree that we are machmir on a shomeres yovom leshuk like a regular aguna, cos she needs the regular heter of aguna to be matir her the issur lav.

Avrumi Hersh, London england

The Kollel replies:

True, the Gemara on 82a and 119a says to be careful of a Lav like an Isur Kares and that both are equally forbidden, but here it says that there will be a Mamzer for this Lav (v'Chol ha'Derachim ha'Elu Bah), and on that Rashi explains that this is only the view of Rebbi Akiva. (Other Rishonim learn that there are Kenasos even according to the Chachamim, but that would be a Mamzer d'Rabanan or the other Kenasos but not Mamzer.)

All the best,

Reuven Weiner