More Discussions for this daf
1. Bal Tachsom with Ma'aser Sheni (according to Rashi) 2. Suggested corrections to Point by Point Outline 3. ôøåú äîøëñåú áúáåàä
1. DANIEL GRAY asks:

RE: Answer (to Question #4 - Beraisa): Reuven may deny food to his cow in order that it will eat a lot when working by Shimon. Reuven may put straw in front of his animal so it will not eat from what it threshes.

Did you instead mean to write SHIMON, as: RE: Answer (to Question #4 - Beraisa): Reuven may deny food to his cow in order that it will eat a lot when working by Shimon. SHIMON may put straw in front of his animal so it will not eat from what it threshes.

RE: Rejection #1: There, it eats (straw, at least). If he puts a skin over, it will not eat anything.

The Ritva explains that from amongst the straw, the animal will at least find and eat some minimal food but not eat any straw. Did you mean to write that the animal eats straw? If yes, based on the explanation of which mefaresh, if you can be kind enough to share as I did not have time to explore further than the Ritva

DANIEL GRAY, Toronto Canada

2. The Kollel replies:

No, I do not mean Shimon. The latter law says Ba'al ha'Bayis - no one says that it refers to a renter. (I will put 'One' in place of Reuven, to show that it is not connected to the case of renting or borrowing.)

I will mention that the question was about putting the straw over what is being threshed - many Rishonim explicitly say so, and it seems that also Rashi explains so.

We will correct 3:i to say

Answer (to Question #4 - Beraisa): Reuven may deny food to his cow in order that it will eat a lot when working by Shimon. One may put straw in front of his animal [on top of what it threshes] so it will not eat from what it threshes.

Pesach Feldman

3. Daniel asks:

>>No, I do not mean Shimon. The latter law says Ba'al ha'Bayis -- no one says that it refers to a renter.<<

With all due respect, I cannot see any logic why Reuven, the animal owner would prefer or make any effort so that his animal eat only lesser quality/value straw and not Shimon the renter's better quality/value produce when entitled to it. SHIMON the renter is the SOLE party who would want to put straw in front of Owner Reuven's animal so it will not eat from the more expensive produce it threshes.

To me it is clear, the daf explanation contains an error needing fixing.

Daniel Gray

4. The Kollel replies:

The latter law has nothing to do with renting. I fixed the outlines to say:

One may put straw in front of his animal so it will not eat from what it threshes

The owner wants his animal to eat straw, and not grain, for the owner wants to eat the grain himself, or sell it!

Pesach Feldman