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Michoel Singer asked:

I'm sure there is an obvious answer (since no one asks it)

On Daf 90a, the Mishnah says that the shiur for pepper (used to remove bad breath) is any amount

On Daf 64b, the Mishnah says a woman is allowed to go out with an amount of pepper in her mouth needed to ward off bad breath

Whats the difference between the two cases ?

Michoel Singer, manchester,uk

The Kollel replies:

Rashi explains that Pilpeles in this Mishnah is not synonymous with Pilpel (regular pepper), which is the pepper that the Mishnah on 64 is referring to. The Bi'urei ha'Daf (at the back of the Shas Lublin Gemara), cites the Rash in Orlah, who explains that Rashi is forced to say this, because, as he explained at the end of 89b, he considers regular pepper to be a spice, whose Shi'ur is not a Kol-Shehu, but sufficient to add to a k'Gerogeres of a chicken's egg.

It is clear that both Pilpel and Pilpeles are good antidotes for bad breath. Presumably, the reason that the Shi'ur for the former is larger than a Kol-Shehu is because it is used far more often as a spice than it is for warding off bad breath.

Till now, I have discussed

a. the different Shi'urim of Pilpel and Pilpeles, which concern someone who carries either of them from one Reshus to another in his hand;

b. the fact that the P'tur of carrying them in one's mouth to counter bad breath applies equally to both of them.

Consequently, since the Mishnah on Daf 64 permits a woman who suffers from bad breath to go out with Pilpel in one's mouth on Shabbos, the same will apply to Pilpeles.

Now to answer your question. It seems to me that whereas the Mishnah on 64 speaks about a woman who carries the Pilpel in his mouth, the current Mishnah is speaking when she carries the Pilpeles out in her hand, in which case there is no reason for her to be Patur.

be'Virchas Kol Tuv.

May we merit to see the coming of Mashi'ach and the building of the Beis-Hamikdash soon.

Eliezer Chrysler.