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1. Free Will and Matan Torah 2. 50 days 3. Shabbos 088: 50 days
4. No Yetzer Ha'Ra for Angels 5. Matan Torah 6. Hash-m's Word at Har Sinai
7. Threefold Torah 8. לרבנן ח' חסרים עביד

Moshe Lieber asks:

The Gemara in Shabbos 88 tells us how Moshe Rabeinu put forth convincing arguments for not giving to the ten commandments to the angels. Regarding the commandment not to serve Avodah Zarah, he argues "Do you live among the nations, who serve Avodah Zarah?" Later, regarding the commandments against incest, theft, and murder, he argues "Do you have jealosy and a Yetzer ha'Ra?"

Why didn't he use that argument for Avodah Zarah as well? If they don't have a Yetzer ha'Ra, they will not serve Avodah Zarah! It is clear from Sanhedrin 64a that there was a strong Yetzer ha'Ra to serve Avodah Zarah at the times of Moshe Rabeinu (and later, until the Anshei Kneses ha'Gedolah were Mevatel it).

Moshe Lieber, Yerushalayim

The Kollel replies:

I can suggest two answers to your question:

(a) It is evident that even without a strong Yetzer ha'Ra, people can serve Avodah Zarah. Although the Anshei Kneses ha'Gedolah revoked its Yetzer ha'Ra, people still serve Avodah Zarah. Obviously, being among the nations can cause a person to serve Avodah Zarah even when there is no Yetzer ha'Ra (see Ramban Vayikra 18:25, about the guardian angels of the nations etc.). So the lack of Yetzer ha'Ra is not enough of a reason to prevent the angels from accepting that Mitzvah.

(b) But the true answer is that the Moshe did not mean to give a reason why angels wouldn't want to serve idols. Rather, he gave a reason why they can't serve idols. Just like he told them that they can't obey their parents since they have none, and they can't rest on Shabbos since they don't work the other six days - so, too, they can't serve Avodah Zarah since they perceive Hash-m's presence intimately, and they don't live in our murky world where His presence can be overlooked!

Best regards,

Mordecai Kornfeld