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7. רב הוה פסיק סידרא קמיה דרבי

Gold asks:

The Mishneh says in Avos 5:18 that Moshe is giving the credit for helping others by bringing merit to them.My understanding of that Mishneh ,is that when Yidden help other Yidden to do Mitzvahs,they are given the credit of A)The Mitzvahs of Lahavta Reacha Camocha,and also the B) Mitzvahs that they helped those Yidden to do.BH I saw a Gemara that explains that Mishneh very precisely.I was looking for it last night,and am trying to locate that Gemara.Can you tell me the location of that Gemara and or explain how helping Yidden to do Mitzvahs a Yidden is also giving the Mitzvahs that he's helped those Yidden to do.Thank you


The Kollel replies:

I am not aware of a Gemara that says that Mezakeh Es ha'Rabim is Mekayem "v'Ahavta l'Rei'achah Kamocha", although it's perfectly reasonable to assume so.

The Rashbetz, the Medrash Shmuel, and Rav Ovadiah Mi'Bartenura all comment on this Mishnah that it is as if Moshe himself did all the Mitzvos that Klal Yisrael did as a result of his teaching. They do not cite a Gemara as their source and that seems to indicate that what they are saying is not a quote from a Gemara.

Avraham Phillips