More Discussions for this daf
1. עד אברהם לא היה זיקנה בעולם 2. Jacob prayed that people would become sick before they died? 3. Bava Metzia 087: The Value of a Maneh
4. Efron 5. Gezeirah Shavah 6. Tzad ha'Shaveh
7. Avraham Avinu and Old Age 8. עד אברהם לא היתה זקנה בעולם

Daniel Gray asks:

The stated part of the pasuk describes efron asking for 400 and the part unstated in the gemora says he offered the field for free. Is the derogatory charcteristic of efron that he 1- switched from free to payment, 2- from regular shekel to kantari or 3- both? The Gemara itself implies reason 2. Also pls distinguish between a rasha who does only little to a rasha who doesn't even do little and tie the latter lashon used by the gemora into your answer to above first question. One theory is to say that switching from free to payment is a rasha doing little and then switching currencies is a rasha not even doing little. However this explanation doesn't fit snugly in the Loshon of the GM.

Daniel Gray, Canada

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav,

As you correctly observe, the Gemara's Lashon implies your second explanation. However, from the Chumash, Pasuk 11 & Pasuk 13, it seems that Avraham is refusing Efron's offer of a gift (in obvious anticipation of Avraham's refusal) - as indeed, Rashi (as well as Targum Yonasan and other Meforshim, explain). Why the Gemara cites Pasuk 15 and not thirteen, is puzzling).

Finally, from Pasuk 16, it is clear that Efron also demanded an exorbitant sum in the form of Kantarin (as Rashi explains). All in all, this concurs with your third explanation.

Consequently what Chazal are saying is that Efron promised a lot - the entire plot as a gift, and he did not even do a little - by giving it to him for its assessed value of 400 hundred Shekalim, but insisted on Kantorin.

Be'virchas Kol Tuv Ve'Chanukah Same'ach,

Eliezer Chrysler