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1. The Shevu'ah of the woman as an Apotropos 2. Rami bar Chama and Rava 3. Rami bar Chama died and Rava married his wife
4. אין נפרעים מנכסי יתומים אלא בשבועה

Mordechai Schwimmer asked:

Rabbi Yosef Ben Arza,

You write in Yosef Da'as Kesuvos 87b, that Rami bar Chama was "Niftar" and later Rava married his wife.

Is there an explicit source for this ? It might as well be that Rami bar Chama "divorced" his wife.

Of course this hinges on whether Rava was a Cohen. Tosfos maintains in several locations in Shas that he was not, whereas Rashi states in Chulin 133a that he was, and in Rosh Hashana 18a that he was not.

As mentioned, I would like to be made aware of a source that he

was Niftar.

The Kollel replies:

Although I found no proof in the Gemara (Bava Basra 12b, and see Maharsha there) that Rami bar Chama died and Rava married his wife, it is explicitly stated so by the ME'IRI in Yevamos (34b). See also Berachos (47b), where, according to the Girsa of the Dikdukei Sofrim, Rami bar Chama died when he was very young, and thus it makes sense that his wife was widowed. (The Melo ha'Ro'im, in a section called KINUS SOFRIM, entry "Rami bar Chama," as cited by the Sefer Megadim Chadashim on Berachos there, makes a calculation and concludes that Rami bar Chama died when he was 25 years old.)

Yosef Ben-Arza