1) When the son of .... promises to provide a meal for the workers he hired, his father sends him back to tell them its only bread and beans. He tells his son that they expect much more because they are descendants of Avrohom ... But the Gem. later brings a proof how GIVING Avrohom was and it was Efron that was the big TAKER!
So what happenend to the Children of Avraham?! Did they all become Yenemites? It only applies to Yenem?!
2) If Avrohom always gave more than he promised, how do we know that the huge amount paid for the field was because Efron would not accept the amount agreed upon; perhaps the reason Avrohom paid so much is because he ALWAYS gave more than he promised?!
3) If the word 'Hinei' is a Loshon Temiyha, unexpeceted, then when the Torah says by Sarah that 'Hinei B'Ohel' it is not a compliment at all. On the contrary its a Gnay! So why use the 'Hinei'?
alex lebovits, Toronto, CAnada
1. The Gemara only cites Avraham Avinu because the meal that he served his guests was larger than the one that Sh'lomoh Hamelech served his, as the Gemara points out. It is not brought as an object-lesson in giving. If Avraham fulfilled the Mitzvah of Hachnasa Orchim so beautifully, that is no reason to feed one's workers with the same enthusiasm. And besides, nobody is capable of emulating Avraham Avinu's Hachnasas Orchim to the extent that he did; nor is one expected to.
2. Here too, Hachnasa Orchim is one thing; paying for one's purchases is something else. Nobody, will pay more for a purchased article than it is worth. Why should he? And I'm sure that Avraham Avinu didn't either. Chazal are therefore right in assuming that if Avraham paid more than the initial sum agreed upon, it must have been because Efron asked for it.
3. Why is 'Hinei ba'Ohel!' a G'nay? If, as you say 'Hinei' is a Lashon of surprise, then what Avraham was saying to the angels was that even if most other women would be out and about, Sarah was in the tent; as Rashi explains 'She is a Tzenu'ah!'
You might ask that, since it was such a hot day, where else could Sarah possibly be but in the tent? But that's another queation.
be'Virchas Kol Tuv.
Eliezer Chrysler