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1. The difference between the bodies of a Jew and a non-Jew 2. Questions on Quizzes 3. בבית אפל מותר

Yehuda Tropper asks:

(a) On Shabbos 87 by the test the question is Why did Moshe seperate from his wife? The answer that he made a KV is marked as incorrect in favor of that there is a machlokes. Is the machlokes not just how we know that Hash-m agreed with Moshe but Moshe himself knew to separate from a KV?

(b) On Shabbos 86 by the test there is a question whether there were any Tevelei Yom at Har Sinai. The answer that that you mark as correct is False (there were no Teveulei Yom). Should the answer not be that it is a safek as we dont know if anyone was palat after they went to the Mikva?

Yehuda Tropper, Baltimore, USA

The Kollel replies:

(a) You are correct; Moshe learned that from a Kal va'Chomer.

(b) Rashi 86b DH Re'uyah says that in fact, there were no Tevulei Yom when the Torah was given.

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld