rava brings a proof from the word livado and says that it teaches you can't do mila on yom tov despite the kal vachomer, and burning pasul kodashim is like mila she lo bizmana. rav ashi then says that yom tov is both an aseh and a loh taaseh, so it doesn't overide it.
my question is on the first tosfos, I don't really understand what they are saying? They first say that the kal vachomer that rashi is referring to isn't the right one and they bring their own one. then they say that if it wasn't for the kal vachomer we wouldn't allow mila b/c yom tov is an aseh and a lo taaseh. Then they say that the kal vachomer dosen't apply to burning kodashim and therefore we don't need the word livado. So my question is, if we don't need the word livado to tell us that we can't burn kodashim, then why does rava bring that pasuk as a proof? (I know tosfos says that rav ashi isn't arguing with rava, but I still don't understand how rava would bring this pasuk to show us about kodashim, tosfos clearly says we dont need it for kodashim).
thank you, yasher kochachem.
yaakov shemesh, staten island, new york
Tosfos is saying that for Sereifas Kodshim we would not need the Posuk of Levado, but since Rava said it to teach us the Din that Milah Shelo bi'Zmanoh is not Docheh Yom Tov, and from this we can deduce that Sereifas Kodshim is also not Docheh Yom Tov (even if Yom Tov would not be an Asei) the Gemara brings it as an alternative answer to the problem.
Dov Freedman