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1. Rav vs Shmuel 2. Amud Beis/ Bava Basra 146B 3. Wine Barrels
4. 2 possibilities 1 or 2 gittin

Avrahom asks:

Maybe I'm losing it, but if one can be mafrish terumah mentally which we've learned a few times in this masechtah,

1. If one has 50 barrels of wine that he made (I assume- if he purchased it from a Jew I assume he is not mafrish) If he is able to designate 1/50 of one barrel for each barrel- why would opening a new barrel be a pre-requisite.

The grapes were harvested, pressed, fermented.

Now I am unsure but when he harvests the grapes by themselves and is mafrish terumah at that point- I believe and please correct me if I am wrong.

The remainder portions utilized for making wine would not require a hafrasha,,,,,I assume if he used a portion to leave out in the sun to make raisins they would not require an additional hafrasha....

That question aside- he has 50 barrels why can't he simply say this barrel is terumah for all the barrels from the same harvest in my cellar.- Why is he designating a fraction of the barrel only when he opens a new barrel?

This method being utilized is creating the problem of having to make sure that the barrel being designated doesn't turn to vinegar?

Is there a particular reason why this method is being utilized?

Avrahom, United States

The Kollel replies:

Hi Avrahom,

If someone has grapes which he wants to make into wine, the Poskim say he cannot be Mafrish Terumah even on the grapes themselves, and certainly not on current or future wine.

As for the barrel, the case can be that he is holding a barrel to be Mafrish Terumah on wine that he will make in the future, and every time he has a new barrel, he uses the old barrel for Terumah for practical reasons (so he can just give a whole barrel to the Kohen, and not take out a portion from each barrel).

Best Regrds,

Aharon Steiner

Avraham asks:

Reb Steiner shlitah,

How can he be Mafrish for a Davar sheloh Hayah b'olamo?

A. P. Kevelson LSW

The Kollel replies:

Hi Again,

He is not Mafrish while the newer grapes are not ba'Olam. Only when the new wine is produced, he uses the old wine and is Mafrish a part of it that was not used before, and is Mafrish on the new wine which is now ba'Olam.

Best Regards,

Aharon Steiner