Yet another question on Eruvin.
On 76B what is the difference between The RABBIS and the JUDGES of Cesearia?
Ben Berlin, Norwalk, CT
Dear Ben,
It seems that the difference between whether it was the Dayanim (Judges) of Cesearia, or the Rabbis of Cesearia, who said this, is between what the chief work of these scholars was. Dayanim occupy themselves chiefly with making rulings on monetary matters whilst Rabbis specialise in paskening on questions of what is permitted and forbidden. No doubt, whether they are called the Rabbis or the Dayanim of Cesearia, they knew all of the Torah, but the difference is in what their practical work in teaching and applying Torah was.
(See for instance BABA KAMMA 53a that states that Rabbi Nosson was a Dayan and therefore delved to the depth of the Din. RASHI states there that Rabbi Nosson was the head of the Beis Din, i.e. an expert on financial question)
How does this distinction matter for the Geomorah on 76B in Eiruvin?
Dear Ben,
See SANHEDRIN 17b where, for instance, Rabbi Ami and Rabbi Asi are referred to as the Judges of Eretz Yisroel and Rav and Shmuel are referred to as our Rabbis in Babylonia. The Rabbis or Judges of Cesearia are not mentioned there, but one does at least see that this sort of title was a way of referring to well-known sages, so we can assume that the Judges or Rabbis of Cesearia were also well-known sages then. See also PIRKEI AVOS 6:6 that anyone who reports something in the name of the person who originally said it brings redemption to the world.
This therefore, is why it was important for the Gemara here to state exactly who Rabbi Yochanan's source was.
Wishing you a very happy PESACH - the FESTIVAL OF REDEMPTION
D. Bloom
P.S. Concerning your question on ERUVIN 69b, I found that RAMBAM in his COMMENTARY to the MISHNAH here DH ME-AIMOSI writes explicitly that BITUL and NOSEN are identical.