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1. Leviathan 2. Contradiction in Rashba? 3. The Livyason

1. hg asked:

In your discussion of an Agadah in Zevachim 113, you wrote:

>>I found that the RASHBA in Peirushei ha'Hagados (Bava Basra 74a, p. 98 in

Mosad Rav Kook edition) makes a similar observation (regarding the

discussions of the Leviathan there). He notes that once the Gemara makes a

Mashal to teach a certain concept, it often follows through on the Mashal

as though it were actually describing a reality.<<

Yet in Sh"T Rashba 417/418...doesn't he come out agains those who use mashals as the only reality of the answer.

Please explain

hg, ny usa

2. The Kollel replies:

The Teshuvot ha'Rashba you referred to is discussing events that occurred in the Torah and scriptures. They should be taken at face value and not as [just] Meshalim. He is not discussing Agadot Chazal.

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld

Kollel Iyun Hadaf