It seems from the masechta so far, that their is an eruv made for courtyards and a shituf made for a mavoi. I assume that the Eruv made for cities is like the latter as it uses lechis and korot and encloses a carmelit. But exactly how is shituf done? Does the bet din of the city set up something on behalf of all the residents with the municipality?
Michael Mirsky, Jerusalem, Israel
1) The Rema in Shulchan Aruch 366:3 writes that the custom is to place the Eiruv in the Beit Knesset. He writes that the reason that this is sufficient is because our Eruvin possess the din of a Shituf Mevo'ot and therefore one does not need to place it in a house which is fit for dwelling, so the beit knesset is sufficient. The source that the Shituf does not need to be placed in a house is from Eruvin 85b.
2) The Rema 368:5 writes that the custom is to make Matzot for the eruv because they do not go mouldy quickly. In addition the Matzot can be kept throughout Pesach. The Mishneh Berurah 366:45 writes that the custom is that the attendant of the Beit Knesset gives the eruv, just before Pesach, to the Rav and the Rav acquires the eruv for the entire community.
Dovid Bloom
I thought the shituf mavuot bread or matzah box should be put in the mavuy itself, The eiruv matza box should be in a house in the chatzer. Is that wrong?
Sam Kosofsky
Sam, it is great to hear again from an old friend!
Your understanding is correct. The Mishnah Eruvin 85b states that if one places the Eruv for a chatzer in a place which is not fit for dwelling, this is invalid. The Gemara there says that any place that the Chachamim said that one may not place the Eruv for a Chatzer, one may place the Shituf for a Mavuy, with the exception of the air of the Mavuy.
The Rema writes that this explains our custom to place our Eruv for the city in the shul; because our city Eruv possesses the Din of a Shituf. A shul is not a place where one lives, but this is not a necessary condition for the Shituf of Mevo'ot.
Wishing you a healthy winter.
Dovid Bloom