Is Rashi at the very end of amud beis being modeh to the opinion of the Ri that it would be better to put the shitufei mevuos into a bayis than in a chatzer?
Marc Diamond, Providence, USA
1) The opinion of the Ri; cited by Tosfos near the beginning of 72a; is that shitufei mevuos must only be placed in a chatzer and not in a bayis.
2) However, your diyuk from Rashi is correct, Marc, that according to Rashi it is better to put the shitufei mevuos into a bayis than in a chatzer. This is the way Tosfos, on the last line of 71b, understood Rashi at the very end of 73 amud beis. The Or Zarua Hilchos Eruvin #175 writes that one sees this from Rashi because he writes that it is permissible to place the shitufei mevuos in the chatzer, which implies that it is permitted according to the din but not actually the best way, since putting them in the house would be better.
Wishing you a very good month of Marcheshvan.
Dovid Bloom