Do we hold halacha lemaase like in the mishna, that one is not allowed to carry from his chatzer to the mavoi without shitufei mavoos or do we hold like R' Shimon on daf 91b that it is considered on reshus and one is allowed to carry from chatzer to mavoi even without a shituf(just like from chatzer to chatzer and chatzer to karpaf, etc.)
In the Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 386, he seems to hold according to the mishna that it is forbidden, however in siman 372, he holds like R' Shimon that it is allowed. Please clarify the halacha for me. Thank you.
H. Dweck, brooklyn, ny, usa
The Halachah of Rav Shimon is only for Keilim she'Shavsu be'Chatzer. Keilim she'Shavsu Besoch ha'Bayis need a Shituf in order to bring them into the Mavoy, even if they are presently in the Chatzer.
D. Zupnik