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1. Bringing Sifrei Torah To Show 2. Kohen Gadol is Zariz 3. Kohen Gadol is Zariz - in Point by Point Outline
4. Each would read from his Sefer Torah

Tuvya Marcus asks:

Sorry, I wasn't clear.

The Points shows this;

R. Elazar holds to do as many as possible lest he neglect to do them later, and the Kohan Gadol is Zariz and not likely to get weak.

I thought it should say "since the Kohan Gadol is zariz about Avodas Hayom "

That seemed to me closer to the words of the Gemara - not just stam zariz.

Tuvya Marcus, Jerusalem Israel

The Kollel replies:

Yes, Reb Tuvya, I agree that your version is closer to the words of the Gemara but I can come to the defense of our version by noting that "Cohanim Zerizim Hein" is a rule in many places in Shas, not only in connection with Avodas Hayom on Yom Kippur. See Shabbos 20a where we are told that Cohanim are zariz. The Mesoras Hashas there gives us another 9 places in Shas where we also find this rule.

However, you are right that for avodas hayom he possesses a special zerizus more than for other matters (see Tiferes Yisrael 4:19).


Dovid Bloom